EQE 2024 exam schedule now available: Paper B

The "Information on the schedule for the EQE 2024 examination papers" (dated 27 July 2023) is now available on the EQE website

The EQE 2024 will take place online using the examination software Wiseflow, with substantially the same setup as the e-EQE/Online EQE of 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Paper B lasts 3.5 hours (9:30 - 13:00 CET).

Candidates will be allowed to print the prior-art documents and the drawing(s), but none of the following: the description and claims of the application, the EPO communication, the client's letter and the amended claims. The documents allowed for printing will be made available at the latest ten minutes before the start of the examination.

(Note that that the document may be subject to minor changes as testing continues. Please check the EQE website for updates)

Please feel invited to post your comments. You are allowed to post anonymously and do not need an account, but please give your name or a nickname for an easy and inter-human interaction.


  1. I have read about some candidates having the text editor Tool disappear during paper D, which would be a big problem if it happens during paper B (I can confirm that as it happened to me White practicing paper B on wiseflow). Has anyone contacter helpdesk about that? Was anyone able to understand the reason of the problem? (Action on wiseflow, combinaison of keys?). Also, it appears that the copy paste ctrl+alt+c/ctrl+alt+v is not working on wiseflow, and this prevents the candidate to properly paste the set of claims provided by the client as it really is (that is, showing the proposed amendments). Thanks for answering

    1. Copy/paste worked well for me when sitting D as a benchmarker, with Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V (Windows, Chrome), so without Alt in between. But you loose the layout/ it may change the layout, and you may loose the underlining and strikethrough. It copies from pdf in separate tab to editor; and it copies within the editor - also then you will loose layout of, e.g., enumerated and bullet lists.

      Please use your name, a nickname or initials when posting a comment, so we can communicate more easily and pleasantly!

  2. Same during paper A. The only thing you can do it is refresh the page, but you will need to request the password invigilator to continue

  3. I suspect rapidly repeating PageUp-PageDown in the editor is the reason for loosing the edit bar, and that using the Refrssh thereafter causes the invigilator pop-up to appear - so better not use the Refresh in this specific situation. A candidate told me that Pause-Resume (not Exit!) worked for him - but I could not check that, so following that suggestion is at your own risk.

    1. Today, our course coordinator was informed by Uniwise/Wiseflow as follows:

      “Ibrahim Colic (UNIwise | WISEflow)
      13 Mar 2024, 16:27 CET

      Hi Evelyn,
      The issue of the text formatting toolbar disappearing has now been resolved.

      The cause of the issue was the use of the keyboard strokes/combination "Home + Page Down" or "Page Up", which affected the toolbar. The only current solution to address this issue was to disable these keyboard combinations, ensuring that the toolbar will not disappear. Moving forward, we will explore alternative toolbars that can be implemented to further enhance the user experience.

      Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

      Let me know if you have any further questions to this,

      Have a good day.

      Liebe Grüße / Med venlig hilsen / Best regards”

  4. Hi everyone! I'm probably stupid but I can't find any way to charge more than 200 comments under the post "B 2024: first impressions?"... I'm not familiar with Blogspot but I think in the past I've been able to click "load more" but here it doesn't show, am I the only one who struggles with this? After taking paper B all my neurons are gone (: Thanks for your help, can't wait to read 50+ more comforting comments from fellow future B resitters :D

  5. Just add "commentPage=2" after "https://eqe-b-em.blogspot.com/2024/03/b-2024-first-impressions.html?", i.e. "https://eqe-b-em.blogspot.com/2024/03/b-2024-first-impressions.html?commentPage=2". In a similar manner, for page one of comments "https://eqe-b-em.blogspot.com/2024/03/b-2024-first-impressions.html?commentPage=1", for page three (currently empty) "https://eqe-b-em.blogspot.com/2024/03/b-2024-first-impressions.html?commentPage=3" etc.


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